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Chabad of Duluth MN
Chai Club

The Chai Club is comprised of individuals committed to
the financial support of Chabad Lubavitch of Montana.

Chabad Lubavitch of Montana, the nerve center of
Jewish life in Big Sky Country, does not ask for an-
nual membership dues or require any building fund
payments. We believe in an open-door policy, where
everyone is welcome regardless of affiliation, back-
ground or financial status.

Yet, we still have bills to pay.

A crucial element of support for Chabad’s work
comes from hard-working individuals who commit to
a monthly contribution. These monthly donations add
up and make a great difference in covering Chabad’s
operational budget.

It’s a great opportunity to give Tzedakah and to
partner with Chabad in its vital activities of bringing
Traditional Jewish experiences to Montana.

Any amount is really significant.

If you are still reading this you’re a believer! Thanks
for reading past that first line.

The Talmudic adage, “Each and every penny adds up
to a large amount,” enjoins us to give all we can to
charity and displays how truly meaningful Tzedakah is.

This is not a multi level marketing scheme, it’s just simple
math. $18 is significant! Watch this: Ten people giving $18
per month, it equals $180 per month. Over twelve months
that is $2,160. Now if we continue to add ten new donors
@ $18 per month for 12 months the total monthly intake is
now $2,160 and the annual intake is $25,920!

Just for fun, let’s say five of the ten give $36 instead of
$18. The total monthly (after 12 months of new donors)
is now $3,240 and the annual is $38,880. If we did this
for three years the total monthly will be $9,720 and
annually will be $116,640. The exponential growth
potential is amazing!

Thank G-d, Chabad has grown and our budget has
too. We pride ourselves in operating an extremely lean
organization and stretching every dollar. But still, we do
not receive monetary support from Chabad Lubavitch
Headquarters and depend on donors like you!


Please join our Chai Club.

Pick a dollar amount in multiples of $18 ($18, $36,
$54 $72, $90, $108, $180, $1,800, etc.). Eighteen is
the numeric value of the word CHAI, meaning life in
Hebrew. As a member of the Chai Club, your donation,
combined with everyone else’s in this special club, will
allow us to continue serving the community’s needs
and provide even more. Don’t worry, you can always
increase or decrease the amount.

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